Technical Conference Management

Technical Conference Management is an independent enterprise founded with the aim of organizing and hosting technical and scientific conferences. We are striving to offer our customers conferences of the highest technical and scientific level in selected fields of interest. Our independence of existing organizations and businesses enables us to be completely free in the selection of topics, papers and speakers. We organize conferences globally and are highly flexible as concerns the venue of our conferences. This gives us the opportunity to hold conferences close to our customers, which allows you to cut back on travel expenses and time. Our conferences always take place in first-class hotels in attractive cities.
As a rule, the topic of a presentation is not determined by us but rather by the speakers themselves, in response to our “Call for Papers”. Thus we can ensure that all businesses and institutions can present the latest trends in research and development.
As a participant of one of our conferences you can therefore be sure to get state-of-the-art information, meet the principal players of your industry and find a forum for the exchange of opinions.
Technical Conference Management was founded by Kurt Fischer, chemist, and Claudia Fischer-Ballia, interpreter and translator.
Company Data
Technical Conference Management, Dr. Kurt Fischer KG
Fasangasse 1B
A-2103 Langenzersdorf, Austria
Phone: +43 (0) 2244 33 870-11
Telefax: +43(0) 2244 33 870-20
Entered into the commercial register under the file number:
FN 191 931b (Commercial Court of Vienna)
International VAT number: ATU49075502
Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce